In the spirit of Halloween spooky things have been on our mind at Energy House. One of them being not taking the proper precautions when getting into your hot tub. Taking care of your hot tub can be a simple thing to do as long as you keep in mind a few key pointers that I found online and from our own service department. If your spa is not properly maintained, it may not be safe to go in it. One can receive what is known as hot tub rash. I know my Uncle has had one and it went away about after a week. This can be avoided if you follow this advice.
1.) Before you hop into your hot tub, first rinse off and get clean. Do this first and then get inside the spa. The reason for this is “personal care products such as lotion, makeup and sunscreen use up the disinfectant in the water, meaning it’s less able to kill off other bugs,” (Huffington Post). Let your water care treatment system work for you, not against you. I learned this the hard way as many hot tub owners often do.
2.) Yet again before stepping in, test your spa with chemical test strips. This takes about a minute or so and lets you know if it is ready to go or you need to add water care treatment to your spa.
Four Questions Hot Tub Owners Need to Know. Also Know That Our Service Depatment Is There For You.
• What was the most recent health inspection score for the hot tub?
• Are disinfectant and pH levels checked more often when the hot
tub is being used by a lot of people?
• Are the following maintenance activities performed regularly:
» Removal of the slime or biofilm layer by scrubbing and cleaning?
» Replacement of the hot tub water filter according to
manufacturer’s recommendations?
» Replacement of hot tub water?
• What was the most recent health inspection score for the hot tub?
• Are disinfectant and pH levels checked more often when the hot
tub is being used by a lot of people?
• Are the following maintenance activities performed regularly:
» Removal of the slime or biofilm layer by scrubbing and cleaning?
» Replacement of the hot tub water filter according to
manufacturer’s recommendations?
» Replacement of hot tub water?
Make sure to have a clean and sanitary hot tub. Call service for any maintenance inquiries on your Hot Spring Spa (559-432-1500).