Saturday, September 18, 2021

View The Next Full Moon From Your Hot Tub

 September 20, 2021 marks the date of the next full moon. This moon is known for many names Corn Moon being one name for it was the time of the year farmers harvested their corn. Sometimes farmers needed to work late with the light of the moon to harvest their crops. The Corn Moon will last for three days according to NASA, so you have from Sunday evening to Wednesday morning to get a glimpse of the full moon. Also, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus will be easy to spot all month long. 

Get your hot tub ready to soak in as the view as the full moon will be here very soon. We believe their is no better way to enjoy the view than from your own backyard, soaking in hot water. There are apps out there to track what exactly you are looking at in the sky, Star Tracker, Google Sky, and Sky Map just to name a few. Make sure that the lights are turned off to really enjoy your sky view. 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Can You Hot Tub In The Summer Months?

 As Fresno, Clovis and the Central Valley in general continues to have a string of hot days, many still in the triple digits, several of our customers ask the question can I use my hot tub during hot summer days? Well, yes, it is possible and in fact many of our customers do exactly that. 

We recommend that you set your spa to the lowest temperature setting, 80 degrees. It would help to have the spa situated with shade provided and the wind blocked. Shade could be found in a number of ways including an umbrella, we actually sell spa umbrellas in our store, or a covered patio, tree, though depending on the tree falling leaves or debris may not be fun to contend with while in your hot tub or shedding on your cover, another great option are canopies and tarps. The ambient temperature, which as of late is quit scorching, will effect how hard your hot tub has to work to get to or maintain the temperature you set it to. During the hot summer months it will obviously be easy for the hot tub to stay warm and might go above where we would like it to. 

Setting the temperature to 80 degrees is a good start to keep your hot tub where you want the temperature to be. Another recommendation that we have told our customers in the past and currently advise is to prop a towel under the cover as to allow for air to escape the hot tub similar to having a thermal coffee cup holder and opening the lid a bit. The steam from the hot coffee leaks out, just as it would for the hot tub.  

The time of day that you use your hot tub also makes a difference. The good news is that the temperature throughout the day does not remain the same. Mornings seem to be the best time to take a nice soak, and just before bed is another great time to get in. The late afternoon about 3pm, the heat reaches its peak, so maybe not the ideal time to combine that heat with getting into your spa. 

We are looking ahead to the falls months when the weather cools down and we can enjoy crisp autumn air once again. As we are soon to be heading into the fall season, make sure to enjoy your hot tub all year long. Just know when to get in your spa and make sure your backyard is set up with some shade and set your temperature to the lowest setting.